A bindi is a red dot worn on the
centre of the forehead, commonly by Hindu and Jain women. The word Bindu dates back to the hymn of creation known as Nasadiya Sukta in Rig Veda.[1] Bindu is considered the point at which creation begins and may become unity. It is also described as "the sacred symbol of the cosmos in its unmanifested state"
Why womens wear bindi
Significance in yoga
According to yoga, this point is known as the ‘ajna chakra’ or ‘agya chakra.’ It is the sixth and most powerful chakra in the human body and it encompasses the head, eyes, brain, pineal gland and pituitary gland.
This chakra plays a major role in yogic meditation; many meditation techniques require you to focus on this point. The pranayama technique of Brahmari, meaning bee breath, is focused solely on opening up this chakra. Several yoga poses, including Balasana (Child’s Pose) and Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose), involve touching your forehead to the ground in order to stimulate this chakra. Lord Shiva’s third eye is also located at this point, and it is believed to be the centre of knowledge, intuition, awakening and awareness.
Ladies, you've probably noticed that it takes you that long to put on your bindi –
you place it, adjust it a little and then press it down firmly to make
sure it stays in place. Even if you don’t wear it exactly between your eyebrows and place it a little higher instead, it still has the same health benefits.
According to acupressure, pressing this point for a few seconds can relieve a headache almost instantly, because a number of key nerves and blood vessels converge at this point.
Improves vision and eye health.
supratrochlear nerve also passes through this area. This nerve is a
branch of the frontal nerve, which in turn is a branch of the ophthalmic
division of the trigeminal nerve. It is connected to all the muscles
around the eyes, so stimulating this nerve is believed to improve vision
and eye health.
Keeps your skin young.
trigeminal nerve’s branches cover pretty much your entire face.
Stimulating this nerve helps keep your skin young and your facial
muscles strong.
Improves hearing.
of the nerves passing through this area also stimulates your cochlear,
which is a part of the inner ear that is key to hearing.
Relieves stress, eye strain, fatigue and insomnia.
probably noticed that when you’re stressed out, your eyebrows and
forehead get bunched up and become very tense. This region bears the
brunt of your stress, so relaxing it can relieve stress to a great
extent. Balasana (Child’s Pose) is considered to be one of the
most relaxing yoga poses because it stimulates this area. Acupressure
also advocates stimulating this area to relieve stress, fatigue and eye
It is believed that stimulating this point relaxes the face and body to the extent that it prevents insomnia and promotes restful sleep. This point is also very closely linked to the pineal gland, a tiny pea-sized gland in the brain that produces the hormones serotonin and melatonin. Melatonin is the sleep hormone, whereas serotonin is one of the hormones related to happines
Boosts memory and concentration.
According to both yoga and acupressure, stimulating this point boosts memory and concentration.
Improves intuition and awareness.
According to pranayama, this chakra is linked to intuition, creativity, spiritual awareness, visualisation, wisdom, intellect and understanding
No Indian attire is complete without an appropriate bindi,
and over the years it has turned into a fashion statement not only in
India but in the West as well. The number of young girls sporting bindi
abroad is noticeable.
Has bindi become a fad again?
"If you ask me, bindi is neither in nor out. It fits beautifully with the Indian look, especially saris. Yes, Madonna and many other pop stars use bindi. It's fun for them to look different, but for us it creates a magic. And being an Indian we cannot keep ourselves apart from bindi. As Indian designers we have to create a little magic so that it breaks the barrier of being Indian to a global format," Delhi-based designer Joy Mitra told IANS.
Why womens wear bindi
A bindi
is much more than a fashion statement or a sign of tradition and
religion. This cultural practice actually has a number of health
benefits!These benefits stem from the fact that the bindi is worn at the point in between the two eyebrows. This point has tremendous significance in the ancient healing arts.
Significance in yoga
According to yoga, this point is known as the ‘ajna chakra’ or ‘agya chakra.’ It is the sixth and most powerful chakra in the human body and it encompasses the head, eyes, brain, pineal gland and pituitary gland.This chakra plays a major role in yogic meditation; many meditation techniques require you to focus on this point. The pranayama technique of Brahmari, meaning bee breath, is focused solely on opening up this chakra. Several yoga poses, including Balasana (Child’s Pose) and Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose), involve touching your forehead to the ground in order to stimulate this chakra. Lord Shiva’s third eye is also located at this point, and it is believed to be the centre of knowledge, intuition, awakening and awareness.
Significance in acupressure
Apart from yoga, the ancient Chinese practice of acupressure also places great stock in this point. According to acupressure, this point is known as The Third Eye (GV24.5) and pressing it for a few seconds every day is believed to have a number of health benefits.Relieves headaches.

Clears up your sinuses.
The trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for sensation in the entire face, passes through this area. This nerve is the largest of the cranial nerves and it has three branches, as you can probably tell from the name. Stimulating this nerve helps reduce the swelling and congestion in your sinuses.
Improves vision and eye health.
supratrochlear nerve also passes through this area. This nerve is a
branch of the frontal nerve, which in turn is a branch of the ophthalmic
division of the trigeminal nerve. It is connected to all the muscles
around the eyes, so stimulating this nerve is believed to improve vision
and eye health.
Keeps your skin young.
trigeminal nerve’s branches cover pretty much your entire face.
Stimulating this nerve helps keep your skin young and your facial
muscles strong.
Improves hearing.
of the nerves passing through this area also stimulates your cochlear,
which is a part of the inner ear that is key to hearing.
Relieves stress, eye strain, fatigue and insomnia.
probably noticed that when you’re stressed out, your eyebrows and
forehead get bunched up and become very tense. This region bears the
brunt of your stress, so relaxing it can relieve stress to a great
extent. Balasana (Child’s Pose) is considered to be one of the
most relaxing yoga poses because it stimulates this area. Acupressure
also advocates stimulating this area to relieve stress, fatigue and eye
strain.It is believed that stimulating this point relaxes the face and body to the extent that it prevents insomnia and promotes restful sleep. This point is also very closely linked to the pineal gland, a tiny pea-sized gland in the brain that produces the hormones serotonin and melatonin. Melatonin is the sleep hormone, whereas serotonin is one of the hormones related to happines
Boosts memory and concentration.
According to both yoga and acupressure, stimulating this point boosts memory and concentration.
Improves intuition and awareness.
According to pranayama, this chakra is linked to intuition, creativity, spiritual awareness, visualisation, wisdom, intellect and understandingFASHION STATMENTS
Now wear a bindi with western wear
Has bindi become a fad again?
"If you ask me, bindi is neither in nor out. It fits beautifully with the Indian look, especially saris. Yes, Madonna and many other pop stars use bindi. It's fun for them to look different, but for us it creates a magic. And being an Indian we cannot keep ourselves apart from bindi. As Indian designers we have to create a little magic so that it breaks the barrier of being Indian to a global format," Delhi-based designer Joy Mitra told IANS.
Bahut achcha jankari